

dumbo art festival_brooklyn

monkey balloons_brooklyn

pearl little girl_brooklyn


my old buddy_manhattan

frog kiss_brooklyn

painful hand_brooklyn

teenager show_brooklyn

rainy storm_brooklyn

a train without travellers_brooklyn

summer groove_brooklyn

subway crush_brooklyn

summer water_bronx

long nails in a bag_brooklyn


caribbean parade training_brooklyn

groovy ladies_brooklyn

vodka or polka?_brooklyn

fight for fun_brooklyn

a brunette marylin_manhattan

playing cards_brooklyn

under the tracks, water_brooklyn/manhattan

le long des golfes clairs_brooklyn

poodle with red bows_manhattan


caribbean parade_brooklyn

family in the shuttle_brooklyn

red bless…_brooklyn

folding tissue_brooklyn

a bread salad_manhattan

a starving dog_brooklyn

wedding ceremony along the water_brooklyn

zen attitude at occupy wall street_manhattan

my stray cats_part2_brooklyn

fight for your dogs rights_brooklyn

my stray cats_brooklyn


bless bless bless_brooklyn

hat guys_brooklyn

marathon 2011_brooklyn

dog ladies along the water_manhattan


block party_brooklyn

towel under hat_brooklyn

3 nurse ladies_brooklyn


happy hour in spanish_bronx

before the rain, washing the cars…_bronx

rolling cigars with michael jackson_bronx

2 mexican guitars_manhattan

rooftop films before the show_brooklyn


a series of movies made in the streets, subways of new york, brooklyn…
useless movies for useful people…
no comment, just titles
it is new york, that's all…